Monday, December 6, 2010

The assumption speeches off the Königes begin

King and Queen of the BIFAsThe British Independent Film Awards forced the reluctant king to the mic again when they gave Colin Firth the Best Actor prize for his stammering royal in The King's Speech. The BIFAs also gave the movie 4 additional prizes: Helena Bonham-Carter and Geoffrey Rush took their first wins of the season and the film won screenplay and the BIFA equivalent of Best Picture "Best British Independent Film."The smear campaign or truth-telling depending on how you view these things has also begun but the Oscar buzz isn't letting up any time soon.After the jump the complete BIFA winners list with commentary.British Independent Film The King’s SpeechDirector Gareth Edwards, MonstersDebut Director Clio Barnard,The ArborScreenplay David Seidler, The King’s SpeechActress Carey Mulligan,  Never Let Me GoActor Colin F! irth, The King’s SpeechSupporting Actress Helena Bonham Carter, The King’s SpeechSupporting Actor Geoffrey Rush, The King’s SpeechPromising Newcomer Joanne Froggatt, In Our NameAchievement in Production MonstersRaindance Award Son of BabylonTech Achievement Visual Effects, MonstersDocumentary Enemies of the PeopleBritish Short BabyForeign Film A ProphetCarey & Rosamund @ the BIFAsBeyond the big dog (King's) the indie genre flick Monsters did quite well for itself. I have the screener right here. Maybe I should watch.As for Carey Mulligan winning Best Actress for Never Let Me Go, Monty would not approve. And if you ask me Andrew Garfield was "best in show". And I don't understand Helena's win at all. I hope everyone understands that I am in HBC's corner -- I think she's been grossly underrewarded for years and ought to have 3 Oscar noms and an ! actual statue on her mantle -- but I just don't see it for thi! s perfor mance. There's nothing to it beyond the very typical awards bait of "supportive spouse." If she's nominated it'll be the easiest get outside of Bill Murray's for Get Low; two people doing things they can do with their eyes closed that aren't remotely challenging or interesting. I have to say that I'm surprised as anyone (maybe moreso) that Geoffrey Rush is the true champ within The King's Speech. How he managed to curtail his usual hamminess into something nearly subtle when it's actually one of his hammiest and most eccentric characters is a minor miracle. But then I'm far more allergic to him than most so perhaps my perception is skewed. Alas, despite my enthusiasm for his turn here comes yet another awards season where the gigantic roles will win the supporting prizes. Poor character actors everywhere can never catch a break.Moving on. Have any of you seen Monsters? Are you happy that The King's Speech is winning prizes?
Great classic films, best all time movies

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