Saturday, July 10, 2010

The idea off the ruby

One of our fellow Ingrid Fans, Ruby, had a marvelous suggestion under one of the comments of a recent post. She suggested that I write about who, what, why, where, when & how about Ingrid. Or in her (better) words "..the reasons I love Ingrid or curiosities, things about her I mean..."

So I am going to tell you about my reasons for loving Ingrid Bergman and what I am out to find or figure out thanks to her life or about her life. But let me tell you, the fun doesn't stop there, no way. I want YOU to respond with what Ingrid Bergman has done for you and what you do for her. How has she affected you? When did you start adoring her life, work, spirit, etc.? Anything Ingrid is welcome. I would like to hear from you in the comments, on Twitter, Tumblr, or send me a post that you have posted on your blog... I'll repost it (PUBLICITY for your blog. Yay!).Here goes nothing:What: My "Ingrid Friedel Bergman-Lindstrom-Rossellini-Schmidt Addiction/Fandom" How/Who: I discovered Ingrid Bergman purely by accident, well I'd say more, the stars aligned and new light was shed in my life, but less dramatically-- by accident.I have always been a fan of classic television and film. My parents influenced and encouraged this, as well as, participated in the hobby. I was watching TCM one night and came across this film Gaslight. As most of us know, this was Ingrid's first Oscar win, Angela Lansbury's first film, Charles Boyer's (looking handsome as ever) and Ingrid's first (of many) paring and directed by the fabulous George Cukor.When I saw it, it was just a really creepy movie that kept getting better and better. I consider myself lucky to have seen this as my first Ingrid film. She is spectacular. I mean her singing and jovial natu! re juxtaposed with her screaming and insanely amazing "knife s! cene" at the end. Brilliance in a can (literally, since film was canned in those days... hehe... film nerd joke!). I, then, decided that I was going to find all of Ingrid Bergman's films. With research and breaking my former thoughts of her just being a blown up icon-- how wrong was I!? I do want to say "Thanks Dad" for helping me feed my Classic Film addiction, day in and day out. :)When: This was, embarrassingly, 3 years ago. I was just coming off an Anne Bancroft bender. Why: Ingrid Bergman was devoted to her work and was described (by her daughter Pia) as "a train on the tracks" so I think if you weren't going the same way, look out. I feel that I am the same type of person. I think she was a woman who lived to act and did it well. She was incredibly human and made many mistakes, but never regrets. She seems exciting to me and I think she is one of the most beautiful creatures ever printed on celluloid.Her career was beautiful as well... her history is thick with d! rama, adventure and interesting as hell. For these reasons, and many more, I follow the book of Ingrid.Where: I originally discovered Ingrid Bergman in Easton, Maryland. I continued my research from the Eastern Shore-- but now I discover her wherever I go. Including...My School, the MoMA in NYC and everywhere!
Great classic films, best all time! movies

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