Friday, June 4, 2010

Viaggio in Italy

I not blogged in one moment-- and I make excuse! I amndt one the East coast now… that the end off the six-month period was occupied fol and then I not was one long the Internet enough to Be written around! I always owe you all nap blogs, and I hope to wrestling up with one this… goal for now “Viaggio in Italy” - the film 1954 directed by Roberto Rossellini, holding the first role Ingrid Bergman, is examined one June 5 with 5 TOKEN ENTRIES, the museum off NY off the modern art (MoMA). Also there it examine one June 7 with 8PM with the same place. The siftings will Be held in the theatre 1.I will not Be whitebait to small channel young stag for the siftings-- what has true disappointment because I would like to see Ingrid in has off film Rossellini one the big screen. Yew all is well something will like with L.A. when I amndt support there. I amndt currently in NYC-- thus I must cut out thesis shorts, goal I will leave you with year extract off film ace for you attract! s in displacement in MoMA to see it!
Great classic films, best all time movies

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